Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dear Truth Teller,

What do you do if someone presents an idea or theory to you as theirs, but you've seen it around for years. For example, they give you the "Holland" yada yada if you have a special needs child, like they came up with the analogy themselves.

Do you tactfully mention you've heard the concept before? Or do you let it go, figuring we're all just recycling ideas all the time anyway.

What would TT do?


Not at all bitter, resentful or superior

PS I also think anyone who talks of Holland but who does not have a special needs child, should be shot on site. Or at least made to baby-sit over a long weekend.:)

Since the Truth Teller so rarely feels bitter, resentful or superior (okay, maybe superior), this is a tough one. In this kind of common occurrence, I imagine laid-back people would let things roll, logical people would try to explain why their situation is unique, and the truth teller would use humor.

With your "Holland Analogy" situation, I would muster up my best Maxwell Smart imitation and mutter, "Aahhhh, the old Holland analogy, eh?" and then let out a big belly laugh-- gently implying this is the one-millionth time someone has shared the analogy. Hopefully, this response seems somehow conspiratorial, not jerky. All is forgiven.


  1. Perfect response. And, as a general rule, humor is the best response to most anything.

  2. Love your response to this absolutely intriguing and brilliant question!

  3. Oh, the old "link to someone else's blog when they mention the Holland analogy" trick, eh?

    I hope you are not inferring that I am one of the guilty. I gave credit to the author... whose name at the moment I can't recall... but doggone it I gave her credit!

  4. Wow. I have never heard of the Holland Analogy before. If I had not gone on this web page, one day someone would have told me the analogy and I would have though that person was extraoridnarily insightful -- even poetic. Now, when that day comes, I will smile wryly and say, "Oh, that old chestnut!" and think of you, Truth Teller!

  5. This was a new analogy for me, too. But now I can't share it with anyone as though it were new unless I want to be chuckled at.
